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IGCSE School In Kerala

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Ad Posted: 04 August 2023 Ad Expire: 03 September 2023
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Chirakkakode near Mannuthy, Thrissur
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Welcome to TIST School
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Thrissur Town
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chirakkakode near Mannuthy, Thrissur
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Mon- Sat : : AM to : PM
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The International School of Thrissur
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Advertisement Description

Welcome to TIST School - a distinguished institution committed to empowering future leaders through a transformative education. TIST Thrissur is one of the best international schools in Kerala committed to providing international quality education. We follow a Cambridge-based curriculum which offers experimental learning and independent thinking. Our campus is a vibrant hub of intellectual curiosity and experiential learning, where students embark on a journey of academic excellence, character development, and personal growth. With a rich tapestry of innovative programs and a dedicated team of educators, we inspire a passion for learning, critical thinking, and global awareness. Discover exemplary education at our IGCSE school in Kerala, where academic excellence and holistic development intertwine seamlessly. At TIST School, education is a holistic endeavor, encompassing not only rigorous classroom study but also a wide array of extracurricular activities that nurture talents, leadership skills, and a strong sense of community. Join us in this exciting voyage of exploration and empowerment, where every student is equipped to achieve their fullest potential and lead with distinction in an ever-evolving world.

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