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Ad Posted: 20 June 2024 Ad Expire: 20 July 2024
Name of Advertiser
Dr. Abid
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Not Available
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Kizhakkethala, Malappuram
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malapuram, Kerala
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Itees Eye Hospital
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eye Care
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Dr. Abid
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Advertisement Description

Eye Hospital was founded by a dedicated group of visionaries with a passion for providing exceptional eye care. Our mission is to integrate care, hope, and excellence to help individuals struggling with vision problems, especially those lacking the means to afford treatment. At iTEES Eye Hospital, our journey began with a deep understanding and empathy for those facing vision challenges without the means to address them. Since our inception, we’ve empowered numerous individuals by restoring and enhancing their vision. Committed to upholding the highest standards of care, we provide direct nursing services guided by established healthcare protocols.Recognizing the invaluable gift of sight, we are dedicated to preserving and improving your vision for a brighter, more fulfilling life. Our ethos revolves around delivering accessible, top-tier care to all members of society. Joining our team means embracing our organizational ethics and unwavering commitment to inclusivity. At iTEES, bias has no place—we value professionalism above all else, welcoming individuals from all backgrounds and beliefs.

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