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Best Ecofriendly Products In India / Kerala/ Mesh Bags/ Toothbrush

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Ad Posted: 31 July 2023 Ad Expire: 29 August 2023
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IPPI ecolife
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Diamond apartment
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Ecofriendly products
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zero plastic products
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Advertisement Description

IPPI Ecolife is a lifestyle destination for best eco products In India for people like us who want to live in harmony with the environment. We feel that this harmony is the result of a series of tiny steps and that each step deserves to be recognised. We aim to do just that, to investigate new ideas and solutions for living more sustainably, and to motivate ourselves to do better every day.

We got our start in Calicut, Kerala, by distributing eco-friendly products throughout the district with a small budget and a big dream. We’ve learned a lot to get to where we are now, but we’ve always remained faithful to the principles and ambition that have guided us from the start.

Some of the eco-Friendly Hacks and Tips

There are many eco-friendly hacks and tips that you can use to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Here are a few examples:

. Bring your own bags to the store. This will help to reduce the amount of plastic bags that end up in landfills.

. Compost your food scraps. This will help to reduce the amount of food waste that goes to the landfill.

. Take shorter showers. This will save water and energy.

. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. This will also save energy.

. Unplug appliances when you're not using them. This will help to reduce energy consumption.

. Use reusable water bottles and coffee cups. This will help to reduce the amount of disposable cups and bottles that end up in landfills.

Please visit our store at www.ippiecolife... to kickstart your eco-friendly lifestyle for a better tomorrow with products that can change the world.

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