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China Bavora Packaging Manufacturer Co., Ltd

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Ad Posted: 07 January 2023 Ad Expire: 06 February 2023
Name of Advertiser
China Bavora Packaging Manufacturer Co., Ltd
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Not Available
New Delhi
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New Delhi
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China Bavora Packaging Manufacturer Co., Ltd
New Delhi
Contact Person
Jeawin Huang
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Advertisement Description

China Bavora Full Color Printing Co., Ltd provides an extensive range of Custom
Full-Color Printing, Custom Paper Packaging, Custom Shopping Bags, Custom Printed
Bubble Mailers, Custom Stickers & Labels - nearly product types available. Our
services include graphic design, full-color printing, packaging solutions, etc.
Guaranteed by a complete set of highly sophisticated equipment and the
implementation of the strict monitoring system,China Bavora Full Color Printing
Co., Ltd never stops to offer best products,service to clients,we win a lot of
reputation not only for good service experience,but also for competitive price.
China Bavora Full Color Printing Co., Ltd is your best partner in cooperation,so
don't hesitate,contact us,we are pleased to answer any of your enquiries,please
view our website for detailed information.

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